Mark Vincent Rossignol

Rossignol, Mark Vincent - Mark Vincent Rossignol left this world much too soon on July 31, 2024, leaving a gaping hole in the hearts of his wife, Jennifer; daughter, Samara; and family, the Rossignol's, Reid's, and Nobles'.

Born Leonard Vincente Serroul, in Halifax to Regina Serroul and Milton Reid of

Cape Breton, Mark was placed in the care of The Home of The Guardian Angel, where he was adopted by Real and Jeannette “Mimi” (nee Gendron) Rossignol, who named him Mark. He was raised in Lower Sackville, NS, alongside adopted sister, Tammy; brother, Gerald; and niece, Dominique.

Mark attended Sycamore Lane Elementary, Leslie Thomas Junior High and Sackville High School. He earned a Degree in Psychology from Saint Mary's University and briefly studied Engineering at Dalhousie University before deciding to pursue a career in construction. Mark worked in various construction roles throughout his life, including Journeyman Scaffolder and Carpenter in Halifax, Alberta and BC. He also served in the Army Reserves on two occasions, where he gained a lifelong brother, John.

In 2014, Mark reached out to his high school crush, Jennifer Rossignol. They quickly made a deep connection and immediately started building a life together. They married December 2014 and faced many challenges, including 5 miscarriages and the stillbirth of their son, Killian Alexander. Their daughter, Samara Micheline Mary Rossignol was their miracle, and brought immense joy to Mark's life.

Mark was known for his intelligence, love of debate (to him it was all in good fun) and a kind heart. He was well-read and often underestimated due to his bluntness and colourful vocabulary. However, those who took the time to know him found a generous and thoughtful man. Mark enjoyed spending time with his family, particularly in the kitchen, listening to music with his wife and daughter. Anyone who met him knew that “Slayer was the best band ever!”.

Mark maintained a connection with a core group of friends from childhood: Chris, Steven, Andrew, Dave and Wayne, he knew that years could go by and he could ask anything of any of them and vice versa and they would be there. That being said Mark also had a lot of friends that he reconnected with, worked with or remembered fondly... too many to list here, Mark was an oddly social introvert, who could insult you and you would walk away laughing and liking him more. If he ever called you a “Nerd”, you knew he liked was basically a term of endearment for him.

In 2021, Mark was diagnosed with a brain tumour (Craniopharyngioma) and underwent four brain surgeries, which resulted in memory loss and other health challenges. Despite these struggles, he did his best to be there for his family. Just prior to finding out about his tumour, Mark was able to reconnect with his birth family, discovering that his birth parents eventually married and that he had full siblings, Rebecca (Beau) and Aaron (Sarah); half-sister, Kim and her daughter, Erin, with whom he formed a close bond.

Throughout his illness, the community provided unwavering support, helping with bills, transportation, and ensuring Samara was well cared for. Special thanks to Moores Mills Post Office, St. Andrews/Oak Hill/Scotch Ridge Church(es), The Community in and around Tower Hill, as well as Betty and Tony Gatta and our families for all they did to help. In 2024, as Mark's health declined further, the family moved back to NS to be closer to family support. Mark was immediately taken to the hospital where he was admitted and never left. He spent his final days surrounded by loved ones and most of his last 24 hours on the Palliative Care Unit under the Care of Dr. Dave Henderson, who is a lovely and serene man. The Nurses there were wonderful too. Good bye Mister, we will always miss you <3.

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